Friday, April 4, 2008

Unit1 (CN)Unit5 (CS/IN)Habitats: Have to have a Habitat

Habitats: Have to have a Habitat

Habitat, Habitat, Have to Have a Habitat
Habitat, Habitat, Have to Have a Habitat

You have to have a habitat to carry on!

The ocean is a habitat, a very special habitat
It´s where the deepest water´s at
It´s where the biggest mammal´s at
It´s where our future food is at
It keeps the atmosphere intact
The ocean is a habitat we depend on!

The forest is a habitat, a very special habitat
It´s where the tallest trees are at
It´s where a bear can scratch her back
(ch- ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch)
It keeps the ground from rolling back
Renews the oxygen, in fact
The forest is a habitat we depend on!

The river is a habitat, a very special habitat
It´s where the freshest water´s at
For people, fish, and muskrat
But when people dump their trash
Rivers take the biggest rap
The river is a habitat we depend on!
People are different than foxes and rabbits
Effect he whole world with their bad habits
Better to love it while we still have it
Or rat ta-tat-tat, our habitat´s gone!

1º Look up the meaning of the words in pink in a dictionary. Specify their grammatical category (noun, adjective, verb…)

Carry on:
Depend on:
Rolling back:
Muskrat: (noun), ratón almizclero

2º Make a list of all the superlatives you can find in the song and translate them.